Workforce Logistics (“WPL”)

1. What are Workforce Logistics™ (“WPL”)?

Simply, they are the coordination of activities that ensure stakeholders in the workforce development sector - candidates, non profit organizations, employers, and government agencies - are able to achieve their training, hiring and productivity goals, collectively, equitably and profitably.  

  1. How did RTW develop this unique discipline? 

The COVID 19 pandemic significantly reconfigured suburban employers’ - particularly those in the manufacturing, production and warehouse (“MPW”) sectors - approach to acquiring and retaining talent. As large market players dominated the talent acquisition in the MPW sectors, employers turned to RTW to see if transportation alone could provide a competitive edge in hiring talent. 


As RTW engaged in these conversations, we gleaned that the issue was that employers were relying on the same resources to find their talent as their immediate local competition, and national market leaders. Sources for talent - especially from the immediate radius around the employers - were typically too limited in supply to keep up with employee turnover (from a variety of factors) and increased production demands.

So the real issue for the employers was could they recruit talent from an evergreen source that is not available to the open market? RTW determined the answer was yes. 


The workforce development sector has the human capital assets and inherent drivers to provide a dedicated and constant flow of talent to our employer partners. However, since these employers are predominantly suburban, and workforce development programs are typically concentrated in urban areas, transportation, therefore, is a mandatory component to the success of the pipeline. 

2. The Workforce Talent Pipeline, with its embedded transportation component, requires coordination.  

Once employers see the value of a dedicated talent pipeline, the next question is invariably who coordinates these activities



  • Employers typically have their HR departments but they already have their hands full with business as usual to find the bandwidth to develop a new pipeline outside their core expertise.

  • The non profits want to place candidates and more often than not, those candidates need transportation.

  • Employers typically do not have transportation departments.

  • Getting candidates to the interviews is crucial to meeting the employers hiring goals.

  • Employers typically would like to track and measure the outcomes of its investment

  • In order to get tax credits for hiring workforce development talent, detailed record keeping is mandatory.



  1. For each employer, RTW coordinates the design, development, deployment, management and measurement of dedicated workforce development talent pools.

  2. We ensure that talent from our pipeline is hired, is able to get to work reliably, safely and on time and is retained by their employer for a minimum of 90 days.

Since that’s a bit of a mouthful, we simply call it Workforce Logistics™ or WPL.